Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage formation in others.
WV Conference United Methodist Men Executive Committee Meeting
April 6, 2024, meeting minutes
Agriculture & Forestry Hall of Fame Building, Jackson’s Mill
Attendance: Wayne Custer, Rita Custer, Don Davis, George Hohmann, Ralph Herron.
Opening prayer: Offered by President Wayne Custer.
Secretary’s report: Secretary Ed Altizer was absent and did not submit the Jan. 20, 2024, meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Don Davis reported the following account balances as of Dec. 31, 2023:
$5,044.32 Scout Disaster Recovery
$2,011.18 Scout Scholarships
$53,020.24 All Faith Chapel Endowment
$3,799.06 All Faith Chapel Custodial
$18,804.29 MonValley Activities (Golf)
$895.45 Checking
Mr. Davis noted that $165 in the checking account is earmarked for upcoming John Wesley awards, leaving an unencumbered balance of $730.45.
Mr. Davis also noted that the stock market is up about 10 percent this year, which means many of our accounts have a current balance that is larger than the amounts reported on Dec. 31.
New app: President Custer reported that the United Methodist Men are getting a new app, “United Men,” that will replace the “Live Bold” app that was developed by Greg Arnold.
Journal e-mail list: Although Vice President, Prayer Advocate and W.Va. UM Men Journal Editor Jerry Meadows was not present, he submitted the following report about the Journal e-mail address list: Had 173 emails. Went back as far as two years; purged 33 emails. Of the 33 purged: 16 of these never opened an email, 8 opened one two years ago, 9 were bounce emails meaning it was the wrong email address or it didn’t exist). After the purge, have 140 active e-mails on the list.
We need to promote the Journal a) through a letter to the charter UMM organizations we have, just like Wayne did to receive help for our finances and b) by word of mouth (which is the best way to get the word out), and that has to start with us, this group. We need to tell every man that we talk to about it and get them interested in it.
Along with letters that are sent out we need to follow up with a phone call to the local president of each organizations asking them if they received our letter. If they said yes, asked them has it been presented to their group and what kind of response did the group give them.
I would say follow up with an email, but we all know how that would go by looking at the results we got from Wayne’s attempt for the special meeting in February.
We could try a one-on-one person-to-person meeting, divided up by the region like Wayne did and attend one of their meetings explaining who we are, what we do and what we are attempting to do.
We need to point out the tools we have to work with.
It won’t happen the first time we try this. It has been said and proven that a person needs to exposed to something 3 different ways 6 times before they will even notice it.
Any suggestions or thoughts?
Chartered unit contacts: President Custer said that Cre Ward in the Nashville office is not updating our local units’ contact information.
Treasurer Davis said that the list he uses to send notices to our 57 chartered units via the U.S. Postal Service is accurate.
Following a discussion, it was decided that President Custer will use Treasurer Davis’ mailing list to inform chartered units about Circuit Rider 34 and other upcoming activities.
It also was decided that we must maintain our own up-to-date information for chartered units, since Nashville is not doing so and since the list maintained by Nashville is incomplete. To achieve this goal, each member of the Executive Committee will contact chartered united in his home district to obtain the current names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and U.S. Postal Service mailing addresses of the local units’ presidents and treasurers. Our goal will be for each of us to obtain complete, up-to-date information for 10 chartered units in our home district by our Aug. 3 meeting. We also will ask each officer we contact if they are on the Journal e-mail list and if they are not, we will add them.
Annual Gathering: President Custer said he has been unable to determine if the state’s Methodist Men would prefer to have a retreat with a motivational speaker or a retreat that focuses on training. He will discern the Lord’s wishes and proceed accordingly.
Closing prayer: Offered by George Hohmann.
Submitted April 8, 2024, by George Hohmann
Conference Constitution of United Methodist Men
The Constitution for Conference Organizations of United Methodist Men is found in the following Paragraphs 647 from the Book of Discipline. Conference Organizations must develop their own By-Laws.
United Methodist Men- Constitution of United Methodist Men in the Conference.
Article 1. Name – In each annual conference there shall be a conference organization named United Methodist Men, auxiliary to the jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men and to the General Commission on United Methodist Men. (#2301).
Article 2. Function – The function of the conference organization of United Methodist Men shall be to build and support the district organization of United Methodist Men in developing resources to meet the needs and interests of and the responsibilities of discipleship; to empower personal witness and evangelism; to enable outreach in individual and group mission and ministry; to encourage and support spiritual growth and faith development; to promote the objectives and responsibilities of the General Commission on United Methodist Men. In the absence of a district organization the conference organization, in consultation with the District Superintendent, shall fulfill the district responsibilities. (#669).
Article 3. Authority – Each conference organization of United Methodist Men shall have the authority to promote its work in accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the conference organization and the General Commission on United Methodist Men.
Article 4. Membership- The conference organization of United Methodist Men shall be composed of all men and clergy of local churches (charted or uncharted) within the bounds of the conference.
Article 5. Officers and Committees –
a. The conference organization shall elect a president, at least one vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer.
b. The resident bishop shall service as the honorary president and be a member of the conference organization and its executive committee.
c. The conference lay leader (or designated representative) shall be a member of the conference organization and it executive committee.
d. Additional officers (including Civil Youth, Serving Agencies/Scouting Coordinator) and committees shall be elected or appointed in accordance with the guidelines of the General Commission on the United Methodist Men and/or the bylaws of the conference organization of United Methodist Men.
Article 6. Meeting and Elections –
a. There shall be an annual meeting of the conference organization of United Methodist Men, at which time there shall be presented an annual report and a program plan designed to meet the needs of the men of the conference. Officers and committee shall be elected in accordance with the requirements of the organization’s bylaws.
b. The voting body of the annual meeting of the conference shall be determined by the organization’s bylaws but shall include conference and district officers and committee chairpersons as determined, members of the General Commission on the United Methodist Men, and members of the jurisdictional committee on the United Methodist Men residing within the bounds of the conference.
Article 7. Relationships-
a. The president of the conference organization of United Methodist Men is a member of the annual conference, as set forth in #32.
b. The president of the conference organization of United Methodist Men shall represent the conference organization on the jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men. In the absence of the president a designated vice president may represent the conference organization.
c. Designated officers or members shall represent the conference organization on the various agencies, councils, commission of the annual conference as the constitutions, bylaws and rules of such agencies provide.
d. The conference organization shall encourage men to participate in the total life and work of the church and shall encourage them to assume positions of responsibility and leadership as part of their discipleship.
Article 8. Finances- The Conference United Methodist Men shall secure funds for the fulfillment of this purpose. All funds from whatever sources by the Conference United Methodist Men belong to the organization and shall be disbursed only in accordance with it constitution and/or bylaws and by it order.
a. Conference United Methodist Men may have their own bank account.
b. It is recommended that there be an annual financial audit.
Article 9. Amendments- Proposed amendments to this constitution may be sent to the recording secretary of the General Commission on United Methodist Men prior to the last annual meeting of the commission in the third year of the quadrennium.
Article 10. Connectional Reporting –
a. Each annual conference shall file a current copy of their constitution with the General Commission on United Methodist Men.
b. Each annual conference shall submit an annual report to the General Commission on United Methodist Men for its annual meeting.
Article I- Name.
Section 1: The name of the organization shall be “The United Methodist Men of the West Virginia Conference” and may be abbreviated and identified as “UM Men of WV.”
Article II- Relationship
Section 1: The organization shall relate and adhere to the provisions of its Constitution, relating and participating as auxiliary to the Jurisdictional Committee and the General Commission on United Methodist Men and to the West Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Section 2: Its shall related to the district organizations and their units to build and support the participation of their men.
Section 3: It shall function in accord with the provisions of the General Commission of the United Methodist Church recorded in its then current “Book of Discipline” and in relation to the stated “PURPOSE” of the organization.
Article III- Purpose
Section 1: The United Methodist Men shall be a creative and supportive fellowship of the men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will, existing to declare the centrality of Christ in every man’s.
Article IV- Membership
Section 1: The organization shall be composed of membership of all men and clergy affiliated with the United Methodist Churches of the West Virginia Conference and shall include as members those of the General commission and jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men residing within the bounds of the conference.
Article V- Leadership
Section 1: At each annual meeting;
- The membership shall elect a President and Vice President to their prescribed official leadership duties for a one year term, beginning at the next fiscal year; October 1st.
- The Immediate Past President shall service as counsel to the President and the Executive Committee during the term of the elected president, advising from the experience of his prior leadership and accepting assigned leadership tasks in projects of the organization.
- The membership shall elect a Secretary and Treasure to their prescribed official leadership duties for a one year term beginning at the next fiscal year; October 1st, and continuing thereafter as council to the newly elected officer[s] for a transitional purpose for a six-month period.
- The membership shall elect a Chairman of the Committee on Nominations for a one year term beginning at the next fiscal year; October 1st.
- The membership shall elect a Committee on Nominations consisting of four men from different district in addition to the Chairmen. Each shall be elected to serve a term designated for each of the four projected years, beginning at the closing of the annual meeting. Each advancing year shall be filled accordingly by the nomination and election. Any current vacancy shall be filled by nomination and election to the corresponding term of the vacancy.
- The membership shall elect a Chairmen for each of established committees.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall:
- Guide the program, projects and conduct of the organization; planning transacting and executing the business of the organization, subject to the action and approval of the membership at the annual meeting, carrying out the Purpose of the UM Men;
- Work in accord with the plans, responsibilities and policies of the General Conference and the General Commission on United Methodist Men;
- Work in cooperation with the jurisdictional committee;
- Work in cooperation with ecumenical groups;
- Approve the total budget and recommend it to the conference organization for adoption;
- Transact business on behalf of the organization in accord with the action of the organization and its policies;
- Initiate and/or develop project and program element, models, or training events as deemed needed;
- Determine procedures for publicity and communications;
- Council, support and encourage the President and officers in their leadership.
Section 3: The Executive Committee shall be composed of:
- The elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer;
- The Immediate Past President;
- Elected Chairmen of established committee;
- The West Virginia Conference Resident Bishop, Honorary President;
- West Virginia Conference Lay Leader;
- The President of the WV Laymen’s Foundation;
- The WV Conference Scouting Coordinator;
- The President of each district organization of UM Men.
Section 4: Each member of the Executive Committee shall relate himself to the district organization through the corresponding district leader for the joint sharing of information and for planning implementation of the responsibilities carrying out the Purpose of UM Men.
Article VI-Established Committee
Section 1: There shall be establish a committee for:
- Nomination and Election;
- Projects;
- Prayer Advocacy;
- Hunger;
- Funding;
- Church Unit Development;
- Budget;
- Scouting/Coordinator [ Scouting Coordinator]
Section 2: Each member of the Executive Committee shall secure current information and available training relative to the program, responsibilities and exchange of information offered, relating to his responsibilities, relating to the Propose of the United Methodist Men. Each member shall make himself aware of the assume certain individual responsibilities, then currently set out in the Job Descriptions and Guide information available by the General Commission and the jurisdictional committee, and shall seek opportunities for continuing group training experiences.
Section 3: The Executive Committee individuals shall function as a team in the fulfillment of the ‘Purpose’. Because the tasks are interrelated, no member works alone.
Section 4: The Executive Committee shall meet at require of the President as timely needed, with reasonably timed advance notice of time and place. A majority present shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5: An Administrative Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President shall meet upon the call of the President to transact emergence business of programs or projects in the interim between meeting of the Executive Committee. It shall not change declared policy, the budget or incur financial obligation not previously authorized.
Section 6: Committee Chairmen shall recruit a sufficient committee membership, from district counterpart where possible, to carry out the committee’s programs and report its membership to the Executive Committee.
Section 7: The Chairmen of the committee on Pray Advocacy shall be the prescribed ‘Prayer Advocate’ and the Chairmen of the committee on Hunger shall be the prescribed ‘Hunger Advocate.’
Section 8:
- An Administrative Secretary may be appointed by the President, in consultation and approval of the Executive Committee, to provide and carry out routine on-going administrative activities of the organization continuity of leadership. The Administrative Secretary shall serve the organization assisting its leadership;
- By helping measurably for maintaining it year to year and day to day continuity administering it timely prescribed relationships and detail performance of ‘purpose and programs.
- By assisting the organization, serving at the direction of the leadership; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer in administering routine responsibilities, as designated within Article IX.
- The Administrative Secretary shall be appointed only for the annual terms of the elected President, serving addition terms as needed, and appointed by the subsequent duty elected President.
- The Executive Committee may determine compensation as needed for the service and expenses of the Administrative Secretary.
Article VII- Other Committee
Section 1: The President in consultation with member of the Executive Committee may appoint addition chairmen of addition committees or task force for temporary term within the annual term of the President.
Section 2: Additional leadership of other chairmen and committee as needed may be established by amendment of the By-Laws at annual meeting.
Article VIII-Nomination and Elections
Section 1: there shall be a Committee and Elections,
- Working with the district chairmen of committee on nominations:
- Finding men for leadership roles in the conference organizations;
- Insuring that the leadership of the conference organizations in representative of the membership in matters of age, race, ethnic background, employment and non-employment;
- Reporting to the conference at annual meeting, nominations for elected officers, committee chairmen, and member of the committee on nominations and for filling vacancies.
Section 2: The Committee on Nominations and Elections,
- Shall consist of a Chairmen elected annually and for four elected members of different districts; designated to filling each of four projected consecutive years;
- Shall annually nominate a new member to replace a vacancy or to be elected for the next projected four-year term;
- Shall, at the time for election, present a report to the annual meeting, in writing, of a report of nominations for all elected officer, chairmanship and new members of the Committee on Nominations and Elections;
- Shall nominate only member who reside within the bounds of the conference or who are a member of a church within the bounds of the conference;
- Vacancies occurring in the elected leadership of the conference organization shall be filled in the interim prior to an annual meeting by action of the Executive Committee upon the nomination of the Committee on Nomination and Elections.
Section 3: Elections,
- Shall take place within the business of the annual meeting;
- Shall include nominations for the floor prior to election;
- Shall take place by ballot provided by the Committee on Nominations and Elections when more than one candidate is to be voted upon;
- May be by acclamation when there is only one candidate for each office or chair to be voted upon, and the presiding officer is satisfied that no further nominations are to be offered, and the Chairmen on Nominations and Elections moves the vote for acclamation.
Section 4: Vote Procedures:
A majority count of votes of members present and voting shall be sufficient for election.
Section 5: Re-Nomination and Re-Election:
Officers and Chairmen of committee shall be elected to a one year term and may be re-nominated and re-elected to additions terms, but shall not exceed four consecutive years in the same office or committee.
Article IX- Duties of Officers
Section 1: President: The President shall be the presiding officer of the organization and shall preside at the annual, regular and special meetings of the organization and Executive Meetings. He shall have general oversight over the work of the organization. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committee and task forces, except the Nominating Committee. He shall be familiar with the work of the General Commission on United Methodist Men and that of the District President.
Section 2: Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President, accept assignments made to him, preside in the absence of the President, and assume full responsibility for that office.
Section 3: Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes and all records of the organization and the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records suitable for future filing.
Section 4: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds. Adequate records shall be kept and a report shall be made at all meeting of the organization and the Executive Committee. Requests for disbursements of funds not included in the budget shall be made by the President, Executive Committee, or the organizations.
Article X: Vacancy
Section 1: When a vacancy occurs in an office or a committee, the vacancy shall be filled by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The By Laws may be amended at any annual, regular, or special meeting of the organization by a two-thirds majority vote of all members present provided the notice of such proposed amendment is given 10 days in advance.
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