All Faith Chapel repairs continue
Additional repairs have been made to the All Faith Chapel at WVU Jackson’s Mill near Weston, according to Wayne Custer, president of the West Virginia United Methodist Men.
“Donations for the Chapel’s upkeep have permitted additional repairs to be made to both the exterior and interior,” Custer said. “We are so pleased that Woodford Masonry of Fairmont recently repaired the front of the retaining wall outside the Chapel. Woodford also demolished and replaced three sections of the sidewalk leading to the Chapel.”The exterior work was done at a cost of $4,950.
“We thank Woodford Masonry for doing this work at a very reasonable price,” Custer said.
A 2022 fundraising campaign raised almost $16,000 for repairs that were immediately needed. That work was done last year. All of the exterior repairs are now substantially complete.
Custer said WVU recently had the the Chapel’s heating and air conditioning system replaced. Several years ago, WVU installed a new metal roof.
“Now we are focusing on refinishing the interior,” Custer said. “I don’t think the woodwork has been thoroughly cleaned, re-stained and re-sealed since the Chapel was built in 1959.
“We have a bid to get this done for $19,500, but we are working with the Jackson’s Mill management to see if we can lower that cost,” Custer said. “Perhaps we can mobilize United Methodist Men from around the state to do a portion of the needed work.”
The Chapel was built with the time, talents and financial support of United Methodist Men from across the state plus donations from many individuals and a wide variety of organizations, including 4-H.
The All Faith Chapel has stood as a “silent pastor” on the Jackson’s Mill campus since 1959.
Fundraising is ongoing for repairs and for adding to an endowment fund, which reached a goal of $50,000 in 2023. The hope is that the endowment fund will eventually generate enough income to help pay for the Chapel’s ongoing upkeep for generations to come.
Tax-deductible gifts may be sent to the United Methodist Foundation of West Virginia, Inc., which is managing the Chapel funds for the Methodist Men. The foundation’s address: P.O. Box 3811, Charleston, WV 25338. Please write “All Faith Chapel Custodial Account” on the memo line of your check.
To make an online gift go to
(This story was published January 22, 2025) |
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