$50,000 goal for Chapel endowment fund reached during 2023 Annual Gathering
During their annual business meeting early Saturday evening, Sept. 9, the Methodist men approved the transfer of almost $49,000 from the West Virginia United Methodist Men’s Layman’s Foundation. With the transfer, a $50,000 endowment for the All Faith Chapel at Jackson’s Mill is fully funded. In future years the earnings from the fund can be used to help with the upkeep of the chapel.
Meanwhile, fundraising continues for repairs to the front of the chapel’s outside retaining wall and steps.
The following story was written last year:
Donor contributes new altar to chapel at WVU Jackson’s Mill
A donor who was married in the All Faith Chapel at WVU Jackson’s Mill has contributed to the restoration of the building’s interior.
The donor, who was married in the chapel 54 years ago, said she contributed a new altar to the building because the chapel has been a source of comfort and many happy memories for her and thousands of others down through the years. The donor asked to remain anonymous.
The altar was hand-crafted of solid oak by Roland Hunn of Hunn Cabinet Co., Morgantown. It was delivered to WVU Jackson’s Mill and placed in the chapel earlier this month. It replaces an altar that had become scratched and worn.
A fundraising campaign to maintain the chapel has been launched by the West Virginia United Methodist Men and the WVU Extension Service Development Office.
“We are incredibly fortunate to have folks who continue to care about The Mill,” said Dave Snively, Director of WVU Jackson’s Mill. “There have been so many people that have spent time in the chapel – just think about all of the services and weddings throughout the years! We’re grateful to partner together to ensure the chapel can continue to serve the community.”
Built with the support of the United Methodist Men of West Virginia and many others, the chapel incorporates the traditional forms common to all faiths. It provides a haven for those who would come quietly to worship God, surrounded by the beauty God has created.
West Virginia United Methodist Men President George Hohmann said, “The chapel has stood as a ‘silent pastor’ on the WVU Jackson’s Mill campus since 1959. The goal of the fundraising campaign is to attract the funds needed to maintain the chapel for future generations.”
Hohmann explained that the staff at WVU Jackson’s Mill has done an excellent job of maintaining the building’s integrity over the years. “For example, the staff installed a new roof several years ago and a new heating and air-conditioning system a few years before that,” he said.
“But there are other issues, large and small, that still need addressed. For example, a stone retaining wall outside the chapel is cracked. Also, the chapel’s wood exterior hasn’t been refinished for many years.”
The fundraising campaign has two goals: To raise $16,000 for immediate repairs, and to raise $50,000 to establish an endowment for the upkeep of the chapel for decades to come.
Tax-deductible gifts may be sent to: United Methodist Foundation of West Virginia, Inc., P.O. Box 3811, Charleston, WV 25338. E-mail the Foundation at info@umfwv.org or call (304) 342-2113.
Tax-exempt gifts also may be sent to the WVU Foundation in care of Lauren Seiler at WVUES Development, 818 Knapp Hall, PO Box 6031, Morgantown, WV 26506; write “2v620-Chapel” or “Mill Chapel” in the memo line. Email lauren.seiler@mail.wvu.edu or call (304) 293-5692.
In addition, both Foundation’s staff are available to help those who would like to consider a legacy gift for the chapel.
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