‘Man of the Year’ criteria

Posted By mendisciple on May 26, 2017 | 0 comments

West Virginia United Methodist

Man of the Year

There are many outstanding men In the West Virginia Annual Conference. To honor one of these men annually, the conference in 1953 established a Layman of the Year award. This is now known as the Man of the Year award.

There are nine districts in the conference. We should have at least one person nominated for this award from each district.

In keeping with the spirit of the original plan, here are the official criteria for being nominated:

1. One must be an outstanding United Methodist man.

2. The nominee must have a lifetime (minimum of 25 years) of continuous service to a United Methodist Church and the community through the United Methodist Men.

3. One must be of Christian character; have leadership in the local church, district, and conference; have or have shown leadership in community affairs and/or service organizations; and have faithfully fulfilled church membership vows by prayers, gifts, service and witness.

4. Any person serving as an executive officer in the Conference of United Methodist Men is ineligible for nomination.

5. This honor can only be received once by an individual.

To nominate someone, complete a letter of nomination. There is no specified form but the letter must include the name of the individual, his address, phone number, e-mail; the name and address of his church; and the name and contact information for the person submitting the nomination.

The letter must be accompanied by a brief biography of the individual explaining why the nominee should receive the honor. It must include a record of the nominee’s length of service through the United Methodist Men to God and neighbors. Please provide a detailed explanation of the nominee’s service at the local, district and conference level along with any service organizations he belongs to and his service to the community.

This letter must be received by the West Virginia Conference president of United Methodist Men before the annual gathering of men in September. A committee meets on Friday evening at the gathering to review each of the nominees. Once a nomination has been submitted, the nominee will be considered for the year in which the nomination was received. If the nominee is not selected, his nomination will automatically be considered for up to two more years.

The name of the man selected by the committee will be given to the president of the men, who will announce the award at the Saturday evening business session.


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